UniSolutions develops and markets system management utilities for the UNIX environment.
Established in 1985, UniSolutions remains a small closely held business
which emphasizes personal service. UniSolutions is proud of its ability to
respond quickly to customer requests and to provide new software releases
to supported customers at no additional cost.
Available from UniSolutions Associates:
JobAcct performs Job/Project Accounting and Resource Chargeback
functions for government and large commercial installations. JobAcct
reports system and database usage by user, group, project and cost center.
Reports may be easily produced for all systems on the network from a single
host. Reports can be easily added or modified and ASCII reports can be
generated for use with database or other financial programs.
SysAdmin is an integrated product with a secure menu interface and
provides comprehensive UNIX system administration utilities including
account maintenance, multi-level file backup and restore, tape library
management, tape manipulation utilities, system security and monitoring,
network administration and monitoring, resource accounting and reporting,
and performance monitoring.
is an unattended network backup and archival product that makes backups and
file archives effortless by allowing the easy scheduling of filesystem
backups and archives for your entire network, keeping track of your backup
tapes, and by allowing users to schedule file restores of their own files
using the on-line tape database.
- UNISOL UniMenu provides a front-end to
applications for novice users (tailored through text control files).
UniSolutions Associates
33586 Via Lagos
Dana Point, CA 92629
Phone: 714-488-3960
Fax: 714-443-5354
E-mail: info@unisol.com
WWW: http://www.unisol.com
© Copyright 1986-1996, UniSolutions Associates.
SysAdmin, JobAcct, BART and UniMenu are trademarks and UniSolutions and UNISOL are registered trademarks of UniSolutions Associates.
All other trademarks and company names are property of their respective owners.